Saturday, May 25, 2013

Case class enumeration in Play 2.1 Application (on top of Salat/MongoDB)

Recently in our Play 2.1(Scala) application I needed to implement a model that's like Java enum. Since scala's Enumeration class doesn't have a fantastic reputation, I decided to go with the case class approach. Our Play 2.1 application is a JSON REST API that sits on top of MongoDB, so I need to make sure that this model can have both JSON and MongoDBObject serialization wired up.
Let's start from Enum base trait
trait Enum[A] {
  trait Value { self: A => }
  val values: List[A]
  def parse(v: String) : Option[A] = values.find(_.toString() == v)
We'll see the use of the parse function later.

In our system we have a flag system for content entries. Here is the flag case class enum.
import com.novus.salat.annotations._

sealed trait Flag extends Flag.Value

case object DEPRESSING extends Flag
case object VIOLENCE extends Flag
case object NSFW extends Flag

object Flag extends Enum[Flag] with SimpleEnumJson[Flag] {
  val values = List(DEPRESSING, VIOLENCE, NSFW)
The @Salat is needed for salat to map abstract class inheritance tree. SimpleEnumJson[T] is the one that provides Play 2.1 JSON API formats which you will need for JSON serialization. Here is its implementation.
import play.api.libs.json._

trait SimpleEnumJson[A] {
  self: Enum[A] =>

  implicit def reads: Reads[A] = new Reads[A] {
    def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[A] = json match {
      case JsString(v) => parse(v) match {
        case Some(a) => JsSuccess(a)
        case _ => JsError(s"String value ($v) is not a valid enum item ")
      case _ => JsError("String value expected")

  implicit def writes[A]: Writes[A] = new Writes[A] {
    def writes(v: A): JsValue = JsString(v.toString)
As the name suggests, SimpleEnumJson uses the simple toString() of the enum item for JSON representation.
Note that we could place the items definitions inside the companion object, but unfortunately salat couldn't map the class that way.
This should be good enough for most cases, a simple case class based enum that can be used in any models.
Now let's make it a little more complex, let's say we need one more attribute in our Flag class: age rating - each flag indicates that the content is only appropriate for users above a certain age.
sealed trait Flag extends Flag.Value {
  val ageRating : Int
case object DEPRESSING extends Flag { val ageRating = 18 }
case object VIOLENCE extends Flag { val ageRating = 16 }
case object NSFW extends Flag { val ageRating = 21 }
Now we need a bit more work for our JSON reads/writes, the SimpleEnumJSON[T] is no longer sufficient. Let's write a CompositeEnumJSON[T]
trait CompositeEnumJson[A] {
  self: Enum[A] =>
  implicit val reads = (__ \ 'name).read[String].map( parse(_).get )
  val nameWrite = (__ \ 'name).write[String]
  implicit val writes : OWrites[A]
Here we map a composite case class enum into a JsObject with a name field that holds the toString() value of the item. When we read from JSON, we only need the "name" field. We need concrete inheriting case class to implement the Json write:
object Flag extends Enum[Flag] with CompositeEnumJson[Flag] {
  val values = List(DEPRESSING, VIOLENCE, NSFW)
  implicit val writes : OWrites[Flag] = (
    nameWrite ~
    (__ \ 'ageRating).write[Int]

  def unapply(flag: Flag) = {
    Some(( flag.toString(), flag.ageRating ))
There you have it - a composite case class based enum that can have attributes.
I hope you find this helpful and let me know if you have any suggestion for improvements.

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